Waxing is a method of hair removal that’s widely known to be the most effective among any others. It can be very well worth the effort despite the little discomfort it causes you. So what is waxing? It is the epilation of hair or the complete removal of hair shaft from underneath the skin. It is considered as a safe non-permanent process or removing (unwanted) hair.The risk that goes along with shaving includes nicks, cuts, and razor burn which is why some women choose waxing over shaving. Hair removal creams and depilatories contain chemicals which might irritate your skin especially on sensitive areas.

That being said, waxing is definitely a safer choice. Another major benefit is the length of time you save before the hair grows back. Say goodbye to daily routine of shaving. After waxing, it usually lasts up to three weeks before the hair grows back giving you long lasting smooth and silky skin. No stubborn stubble! Finer body hair regrowth and 100% natural wax used assures you that it doesn’t have a negative effect on your skin.

Waxing Services

Basic Bikini – $50
Brazilian – $75
Brow Wax – $18
Facial Wax – $22
Under Arms – $45

Waxing is most beneficial when hair is between 1/4″ and 1/2″ in length. The longer the hair, the more breakage happens, the shorter the hair, the wax won’t be able to grab the hair. If your skin is sunburned, irritated or there is broken skin, we will not be able to wax you until your skin is healed. If you currently take any Retin-A or Retinol products, waxing is contraindicated.